Is Counseling or Coaching for me?

Checklist A :
Abandoned / Loneliness / Being isolated
Anxiety / Panic attack
Sleeping Disturbance
Sex issues
Conflict with people
Being negative
Not being understood
Stuck in relationships / Marriage problem
Difficult in child rearing / Parenting issues
Easily get angry /Anger management
Grief / Lost / Bereavement
Fear of authority
Adjustment issues
Shame / Guilt
Avoidance behavior
Trauma / Flash backs
Checklist B:
Being a people-pleaser
Increase work performance
Want to get promotion
Find a suitable career path
Be more positive
Need a nudge to move forward
Need someone walk with you toward your goal
Need to set up future goals
Deal with difficult people
Lack of motivation & satisfaction
Find out strengths
Find out life goals / purpose
If you find more ticks in Checklist A, you may probably need a Counselling Service, while you have more ticks in Checklist B, you may probably need a Coaching Service. Or call me for a discussion.
You have the key to your future, your happiness, and your authentic self, accessible to you today, Right Now!